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Bout detail

Manuel CHARR

"Diamond Boy"
(Mohmoud Omeirat Charr)
Heavyweigt, Lebanon
Based in Germany, Berlin and Gelsenkirchen
Born: 10 October 1984, Beirut, Lebanon
Height: 6ft 4in, mt 1,92
Weight: 250-252 lbs
(Yakup Sağlam)
Heavyweight, Germany, Hahn Rennerod
Born: 10 March 1977, Arsin, Turkey
Height: 6ft 4 1/2in, mt 1,93
Weight: 214, 196.25, 223, 207.5 lbs


W: 29     L: 3     D: 0     Nc/Nd/Exh: 0

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W: 29     L: 3     D: 0     Nc/Nd/Exh: 1

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22/02/2013 - Galati - Romania

Manuel CHARR wins (+ TKO 2 (Rtd))