No amateur results
Professional record | 1994 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Aug. 31 | Art Richardson | St Paul, Minnesota | TKO 1 | - Sept. 30 | George Jones | St Paul, Minnesota | L 4 | | 1995 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Mar. 17 | Francis Johnson | Mounds View, Minnesota | TKO 1 | + Oct. 24 | James Stockwell | Red Wing, Minnesota | KO 1 | | 1996 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Mar. 14 | Marcos Rivera | St Paul, Minnesota | TKO 1 | | 1997 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + June 3 | Robert Bones | Red Wing, Minnesota | TKO 1 | + July 1 | Tony Golden | Red Wing, Minnesota | W 4 | + Sept. 7 | Jim Tanner | Red Wing, Minnesota | KO 1 | + Dec. 2 | Jeremy Egan | Brooklyn Park, Minnesota | W 6 | | 1998 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 13 | Kwan Manassah | Red Wing, Minnesota | TKO by 3 | | | 1999-2002 Inactive | | 2003 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Sept. 6 | Toby Tyler | Fridley, Minnesota | TKO 1 | + Sept. 19 | Bill Johnson | New Town, North Dakota | TKO 1 | | 2004 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 13 | Chris Thomas | Merrillville, Indiana | TKO by 2 | + May 1 | Kwan Manassah | Fridley, Minnesota | TKO 4 | - Sept. 11 | Zach Walters | Fridley, Minnesota | TKO by 2 | | 2005 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Mar. 24 | Peter O’Kane | Green Bay, Wisconsin | TKO 2 | | 2006 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | * Oct. 14 | Max Alexander | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | NC 1 | + Dec. 1 | John Turner | Rochester, Minnesota | W 4 | | 2007 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 9 | Max Alexander | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | L 8 | - Mar. 17 | Mike Word | Hinckley, Minnesota | KO by 2 | | 2008 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - June 6 | Harley Kilfian | Hinckley, Minnesota | TKO by 2 | | 2009 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Apr. 4 | Harley Kilfian | Minneapolis, Minnesota | KO by 3 | | 2010 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + July 17 | Frank Quinn | St Paul, Minnesota | TKO 1 |
Total bouts: 23, Won: 14 (11 inside the limit), Lost: 8 (6 inside the limit), Draw: 0, NC: 1, ND: 0