No amateur results
Professional record | 2002 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Mar. 21 | Dmitry Evmenenko | Minsk, Belarus | W 6 | + Apr. 18 | Anatoly Kovzun | Minsk, Belarus | TKO 3 | - Apr. 23 | Denis Lebedev | Moscow, Russia | KO by 5 | + May 3 | Alexander Kravtchenko | Molodechno, Belarus | W 6 | + May 16 | Dmitry Mozalev | Minsk, Belarus | TKO 6 | - May 24 | David Kostecki | Plonsk, Poland | KO by 3 | + June 8 | Andrey Paltsev | Molodechno, Belarus | W 6 | + June 30 | Anton Govorukhin | Zaslavl, Belarus | W 6 | - July 18 | Mger Mkrtchian | St Petersburg, Russia | L 6 | + Sept. 3 | Dmitry Evmenenko | Molodechno, Belarus | W 6 | + Sept. 14 | Sergey Galinkevich | Molodechno, Belarus | W 6 | - Sept. 26 | Mger Mkrtchian | St Petersburg, Russia | TKO by 2 | - Oct. 31 | Malik Dziarra | Magdeburg, Germany | TKO by 9 | (For IBF Inter-Cont’l Super-Middleweight Title) | | 2003 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Feb. 7 | Vladimir Eremev | Minsk, Belarus | W 6 | - Oct. 24 | Robin Reid | Bethnal Green, Gt.Britain | TKO by 4 | | 2004 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Jan. 30 | Carl Froch | Dagenham, Gt.Britain | TKO by 2 | - May 29 | Mohamed Belkacem | Berne, Switzerland | L 6 | - June 26 | Konstantin Shvets | Feodosia, Ukraine | L 6 | - July 25 | Arthur Shekmurzov | St Petersburg, Russia | TKO by 5 | + Sept. 30 | Sergey Galinkevich | Minsk, Belarus | TKO 5 | - Oct. 16 | Vasyl Kondor | Yalta, Ukraine | L 4 | | 2005 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 20 | Vyacheslav Uzelkov | Kiev, Ukraine | KO by 5 | + May 21 | Anton Govorukhin | Molodechno, Belarus | TKO 5 | + June 8 | Evegny Evmenenko | Minsk, Belarus | W 6 | - July 1 | Antonio Brancalion | Palermo, Italy | L 6 | + Aug. 26 | Evgeni Kafanov | Molodechno, Belarus | TKO 5 | - Oct. 22 | Robert Norton | Coventry, Gt.Britain | KO by 2 | - Dec. 7 | Nourdine Melikh | Martigny, Switzerland | L 6 | | 2006 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Jan. 4 | Anton Govorukhin | Molodechno, Belarus | TKO 3 | - Mar. 3 | Tony Dodson | Hartlepool, England | L 4 | | 2007 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Dec. 19 | Mahamed Aripgadzhiev | Minsk, Belarus | TKO by 3 | | 2008 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - May 10 | Artyom Solomko | Minsk, Belarus | L 10 | (For vacant Belarusian Light-Heavyweight Title) | - Oct. 7 | Sergey Khomitsky | Minsk, Belarus | KO by 4 | - Dec. 17 | Denis Lebedev | Moscow, Russia | TKO by 4 | | 2009 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Apr. 10 | Yago Kiladze | Donetsk, Ukraine | TKO by 3 | + May 30 | Pavel Lapata | Minsk, Belarus | TKO 3 | | 2010 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 9 | Sandro Siproshvili | Minsk, Belarus | L 6 | - Mar. 12 | Roman Kracik | Praha, Czech Republic | L 6 | | 2011 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Oct. 22 | Oleksandr Chervyak | Cherkasy, Ukraine | TKO by 4 | - Nov. 19 | Vyacheslav Uzelkov | Kharkov, Ukraine | TKO by 4 | | | 2012 Inactive | | 2013 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 19 | Jaromir Soukup | Minsk, Belarus | TL 2 | | 2014 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Sept. 10 | Yuri Bihoutseu | Minsk, Belarus | L 6 |
Total bouts: 42, Won: 15 (7 inside the limit), Lost: 27 (15 inside the limit), Draw: 0, NC: 0, ND: 0