No amateur results
Professional record | 2001 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Nov. 9 | Haroun Cherni | Les Mazures, France | KO by 1 | | 2002 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 7 | Dimitri Lebegue | Leval, France | TKO by 5 | - May 17 | Terje Arildsen | Praha, Czech Republic | L 4 | - Dec. 14 | Zoltan Balogh | Miskolc, Hungary | TKO by 4 | | 2003 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - June 28 | Samir Berrada | Le Havre, France | L 4 | - July 5 | Lukas Konecny | Dessau, Germany | TKO by 3 | - Sept. 23 | Dimitri Sartison | Hamburg, Germany | L 4 | + Nov. 14 | Dmitry Kutas | Praha, Czech Republic | W 4 | - Nov. 30 | Michal Bilak | Praha, Czech Republic | L 4 | + Dec. 6 | Oto Merlin | Martin, Slovakia | W 4 | + Dec. 12 | Rene Prins | Praha, Czech Republic | W 4 | | 2004 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Feb. 6 | Petr Rykala | Brno, Czech Republic | W 4 | - Feb. 28 | Roman Shkarupa | Warsaw, Poland | L 6 | - Mar. 28 | Alexander Polizzi | Charleroi, Belgium | L 6 | = Apr. 24 | Radek Hrabak | Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic | TDraw 2 | + June 25 | Robert Kankula | Martin, Slovakia | TKO 1 | - July 9 | Christophe Tendil | Ile Sourge, France | TKO by 8 | - Sept. 25 | Jimmy Colas | Bruxelles, Belgium | TKO by 4 | - Nov. 6 | Najim Ettouhlali | Amsterdam, Netherlands | TKO by 6 | | 2005 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Apr. 23 | Hakija Adjarevic | Bern, Switzerland | TKO 3 | - June 4 | Ladislav Kutil | Praha, Czech Republic | TKO by 5 | + July 19 | Anton Lascek | Martin, Slovakia | TKO 5 | - Sept. 30 | Maciej Jankowski | Wloclawek, Poland | L 4 | - Dec. 2 | Josip Jalusic | Zadar, Croatia | TKO by 3 | + Dec. 8 | Marian Marias | Martin, Slovakia | W 4 | | 2006 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 11 | Roman Vanicky | Hradec Kralove, Czech | L 4 | - Mar. 28 | Rachid Kanfouah | Courpiere, France | TKO by 3 | - Apr. 28 | Kamel Belhachemi | La Valette du Var, France | L 4 | - June 3 | Nordine Boukhecham | Meyruil, France | TKO by 3 | - June 24 | Tomas Adamek | Vinne Jazero, Slovakia | TKO by 2 | - Sept. 7 | Roman Vanicky | Praha, Czech Republic | TKO by 7 | - Nov. 3 | Mehdi Amar | Les Villes Forges, France | KO by 3 | - Dec. 14 | Oleksander Sergeev | Praha, Czech Republic | TKO by 5 | | 2007 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Feb. 16 | Vitali Banivur | Linz-Pasching, Austria | WDQ 1 | - Nov. 16 | Roman Shkarupa | Tarnow, Poland | TKO by 3 | | 2008 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Nov. 21 | Jiri Svacina | Praha, Czech Republic | TKO by 2 | - Dec. 14 | Pawel Glazewski | Bialystock, Poland | TKO by 3 | | 2009 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - May 9 | Maciej Miszkin | Gdynia, Poland | KO by 2 | | 2010 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - June 5 | Steve Kroekel | Halle an der Saale, Germany | L 4 | - Sept. 11 | Robert Woge | Bitterfeld, Germany | TKO by 2 | | 2011 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Oct. 15 | Remigiusz Woz | Katowice, Poland | L 4 | - Nov. 11 | Sami Selesmaa | Pori, Finland | TKO by 3 | | 2012 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Dec. 21 | Josef Obeslo | Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic | L 4 | | | 2013 Inactive | | 2014 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Nov. 8 | Domenic Von Chrzanowski | Stuttgart, Germany | TKO by 3 | | 2015 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Apr. 11 | Mirzet Bajrektarevic | Maribor, Slovenia | TKO by 4 (Rtd) |
Total bouts: 45, Won: 9 (3 inside the limit), Lost: 35 (23 inside the limit), Draw: 1, NC: 0, ND: 0