No amateur results
Professional record | 2002 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + July 26 | Csaba Balatoni | Szekszárd, Hungary | W 4 | - Sept. 27 | Domenico Spada | Castel Liri, Italy | TKO by 1 | = Nov. 15 | Gyula Szabó | Szekszárd, Hungary | Drew 4 | - Nov. 29 | Kai Kauramäki | Helsinki, Finland | TKO by 5 | | 2003 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Jan. 18 | Balázs Szabó | Szekszárd, Hungary | W 4 | - Jan. 31 | Alessandro Filippo | Piedimonte Maatese | LDQ 3 | - Mar. 29 | Youssef El Awad | Hamburg, Germany | L 6 | = May 31 | Dario Cichello | Civitavecchia, Italy | Drew 6 | - Aug. 9 | Dario Cichello | Villasimíus, Italy | L 6 | = Aug. 18 | Traian Vijdea | Szekszárd, Hungary | Drew 6 | - Sept. 6 | Khoren Gevor | Szeged, Hungary | L 6 | - Nov. 27 | Denis Saioni | Nice, France | LDQ 5 | - Dec. 19 | Antonio Aiello | Borgo a Buggiano, Italy | cTKO by 1 | | 2004 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 14 | Francois Bastient | Aulnoye, France | LDQ 5 | - Feb. 28 | Tomasz Gargula | Warsaw, Poland | L 6 | = Apr. 8 | Gringo Mandarache | Szekszárd, Hungary | Drew 4 | - May 11 | Maurizio Colombo | Grosseto, Italy | L 6 | - June 4 | Marcin Piatkowski | Warsaw, Poland | L 6 | - Nov. 13 | Vedran Akrap | San Martino Siccomario | KO by 3 | | 2005 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Jan. 18 | Lukas Wlaschek | Cuxhaven, Germany | L 4 | - Apr. 30 | Lukas Konecny | Praha, Czech Republic | TKO by 3 | | 2006 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 23 | Istvan Varga | Szekszard, Hungary | L 6 | - May 12 | Dejan Ribac | Rezzato, Italy | TKO by 4 | = July 21 | David Paul | Szekszard, Hungary | Drew 4 | - Oct. 27 | Stefano Abatangelo | Rivarolo Canavese, Italy | TKO by 4 | | 2007 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | = Feb. 4 | Bela Gyongyosi | Szekszard, Hungary | Drew 4 | - Mar. 24 | Francesco Versaci | Villa San Giovanni, Italy | L 6 | - July 14 | Francesco Versaci | Sequals, Italy | L 6 | | 2008 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 23 | Alessio Rondelli | Cagliari, Italy | L 8 | - June 9 | Lorenzo Di Giacomo | Foligno, Italy | TKO by 5 | | 2009 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | = June 9 | David Paul | Budapest, Hungary | Draw 4 |
Total bouts: 31, Won: 2 (0 inside the limit), Lost: 22 (8 inside the limit), Draw: 7, NC: 0, ND: 0