No amateur results
Professional record | 2008 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - May 22 | Gjetan Keta | München, Germany | TKO by 1 | - Sept. 26 | Rico Mueller | Prenzlau, Germany | L 4 | - Nov. 8 | Patrick Doering | Halberstadt, Germany | TKO by 3 | - Nov. 21 | Jürgen Doberstein | Weissenfels, Germany | TKO by 3 | | 2009 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 22 | Bernard Donfack | Schoneweide, Germany | TKO by 2 | - May 8 | Jean Rodrigue | Spandau, Germany | KO by 1 | - Oct. 4 | Armand Cullhai | Amberg, Germany | TKO by 2 | | 2010 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 20 | Andrei Salakhutdzinau | Praha, Czech Republic | L 4 | - Apr. 19 | Denis Simcic | München, Germany | TKO by 1 | - June 5 | Murat Onert | Istanbul, Turkey | KO by 2 | - June 5 | Murat Oener | Istanbul, Turkey | KO by 2 | - Oct. 9 | Christian Pawlak | Wandsbek, Germany | TKO by 2 | | 2011 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 26 | Rene Prins | Purmerend, Netherlands | L 4 | - Apr. 22 | Tomas Kugler | Trinec, Czech Republic | TKO by 2 | | 2012 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - May 16 | Danny Lehmann | Frankfurt, Germany | TKO by 1 | - July 21 | Zoran Jasarevic | Kreuzberg, Germany | TKO by 1 | - Aug. 11 | Jindrich Kubin | Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic | TKO by 1 |
Total bouts: 17, Won: 0 (0 inside the limit), Lost: 17 (14 inside the limit), Draw: 0, NC: 0, ND: 0