No amateur results
Professional record | 2004 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + May 21 | Gabriel Fandarac | Iasi, Romania | W 6 | - June 12 | Badre Belhadja | Saint Nazaire, France | L 6 | - Sept. 24 | Eion Bancroft | Makoury, France | L 6 | - Nov. 6 | Badre Belhadja | Saint Nazaire, France | L 6 | | 2005 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 19 | Rafal Jackiewicz | Wolów, Poland | L 6 | - Feb. 25 | Alban Mothie | Chatellerault, France | L 6 | - Mar. 25 | Alfredo Di Feto | Terni, Italy | L 6 | = Apr. 7 | Jean François Dalmazir | Poissy, France | Drew 6 | - Apr. 29 | Gabriel Mapouka | Massy, France | L 6 | - July 8 | Mihai Mutu | Mangalia, Romania | L 6 | + Sept. 23 | Marius Petre Sorin | Craiova, Romania | TKO 4 | - Nov. 26 | Nicolas Guisset | Joue les Tours, France | L 8 | - Dec. 3 | Brice Faradji | Montreux, Switzerland | L 6 | - Dec. 16 | Mathieu Dubroeucq | Hyeres, France | L 8 | | 2006 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - June 2 | Ismael El Massoudi | Clermont Fd, France | L 6 | - June 10 | Frédéric Klose | Lucé, France | L 8 | + July 21 | Sandos Szolt | Timisoara, Romania | W 4 | - Sept. 1 | Tiberiu Ciubotaru | Sulmona, Italy | L 6 | - Sept. 13 | Alfredo Di Feto | Parma, Italy | L 6 | - Sept. 23 | Roberto Belge | Ascona, Switzerland | L 8 | - Oct. 14 | Nordine Mouchi | Dombasle, France | L 6 | - Nov. 4 | Stanislas Salmon | Saint Nazaire, France | L 6 | - Nov. 25 | Choukri Yentour | Saint Etienne, France | L 8 | | 2007 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 10 | Paul McCloskey | Letterkenny, Ireland | L 6 | - Mar. 24 | Alban Mothie | Tours, France | L 6 | - Apr. 21 | Belaid Yahiaoui | Berck sur Mer, France | L 6 | - May 5 | Sebastien Madani | Gaillard, France | L 6 | - May 16 | Paolo Gassani | Teano, Italy | L 6 | - May 25 | Jaume Pons | Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain | L 8 | + June 23 | Florin Bogdan | Buzau, Romania | W 4 | - June 29 | Luca Michael Pasqua | Saviliano, Italy | L 6 | - Aug. 2 | Pietro Luigi Zara | Porto Torres, Italy | L 6 | - Sept. 28 | Pedro Verdu | Valencia, Spain | L 6 | - Oct. 12 | Emanuele Della Rosa | Nuvolera, Italy | L 6 | - Oct. 30 | Cedric Vitu | Massy, France | L 6 | - Dec. 1 | Yoanin Camonin | Billy, France | L 8 | - Dec. 12 | Michele Orlando | Rezzato, Italy | L 6 | | 2008 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 2 | Frank Haroche Horta | Villeurbanne, France | L 6 | - Mar. 7 | Diosbelys Hurtado | Valencia, Spain | L 6 | - Mar. 29 | Giovanni De Carolis | Sezze, Italy | L 6 | - Apr. 17 | Hassan N’Dam N’Jikam | Paris, France | L 8 | - May 7 | Anthony Somarriba | Montfavet, France | L 6 | - May 23 | Francois Bastient | Fourmies, France | L 8 | - July 5 | Gary O'Sullivan | Dublin, Ireland | L 6 | - Sept. 27 | Alexander Abraham | Erfurt, Germany | L 8 | - Nov. 8 | Hussein Bayram | Billy, France | L 6 | - Nov. 22 | Vilmos Balog | Steyr, Austria | L 8 | | 2009 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 27 | Sofiane Cherfaoui | Tizi Ouzou, Algeria | L 6 | - Apr. 3 | Ivan Sanchez | La Coruña, Spain | L 6 | - Apr. 18 | Denis Saioni | L’Escarene, France | L 8 | - May 15 | Stefan Dragomir | Buzau, Romania | L 6 | - May 29 | Israel Carrillo | Baracaldo, Spain | LDQ 8 | - June 20 | Vilmos Balog | Freistadt, Austria | L 6 | - July 3 | Alessio Furlan | Caravaggio, Italy | L 6 | - Nov. 7 | Roman Aramian | Wangen, Germany | L 6 | | 2010 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 13 | Alberto Fernandez | Vigo, Spain | L 6 | - Nov. 27 | Geard Ajetovic | Oupeye, Belgium | L 4 | | 2011 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Apr. 9 | Massimiliano Pizzo | Biella, Italy | L 6 | - June 26 | Antonio Pedro QUICANGA | Porto, Portugal | KO by 6 | (For vacant UBC Light-Heavyweight Title) | = Sept. 9 | Luciano Lombardi | Monza, Italy | Draw 8 |
Total bouts: 60, Won: 4 (1 inside the limit), Lost: 54 (1 inside the limit), Draw: 2, NC: 0, ND: 0