No amateur results
Professional record | 1998 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Nov. 20 | Hocine Benchabane | Marseille, France | W 4 | | 1999 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Jan. 29 | Halim Deghache | Marseille, France | W 4 | + Mar. 5 | Christophe Tendil | Marseille, France | W 6 | - June 1 | Hocine Benchabane | Levallois Perret | L 4 | (For Final Critérium National Espoirs Super-Welterweight) | + July 9 | Samuel Saakian | Albertville, France | W 4 | = Dec. 18 | Farid Haddouche | Le Cannet, France | Drew 6 | | 2000 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Feb. 18 | Azzdine Addi | Marseille, France | W 6 | + Apr. 28 | Abdelilah El Kadri | Les Pennes, France | W 6 | + May 25 | Ali Mohamed | Elancourt, France | W 6 | - Sept. 22 | Michel Noto | Les Pennes Mirabeau, France | L 6 | | 2001 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 10 | John Ameline | Le Havre, France | KO by 3 | - Dec. 7 | Rubén Varón | Zamora, Spain | TL 7 | | 2002 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Apr. 16 | Jimmy Colas | Saint Vallier, France | L 8 | - May 10 | Antonio Lauri | Sacile, Italy | L 6 | | 2003 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Jan. 28 | Hamlet Petrosian | Nice, France | TKO by 1 | + July 5 | Michel Raynaud | Le Cannet Rocheville | W 6 | | 2004 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Feb. 20 | Paul Seztius | Ducos, Martinizue | W 6 | + Mar. 13 | Emmanuel Mahieux | St Pol, France | cTKO 3 | - Apr. 9 | Woulid Guarras | Chateauroux, France | L 8 | - May 29 | Aziz Daari | Eaubonne, France | L 8 | (For Final Frecnh Super-Welterweight Tournament) | - July 3 | Michele Piccirillo | Modugno, Italy | TKO by 3 | | 2005 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Apr. 23 | Zaurbek Baysangurov | Dortmund, Germany | TKO by 1 | - Nov. 18 | Woulid Guarras | Bonneuil sur Marne, France | TKO by 9 | (For French Super-Welterweight Title) | | 2006 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 11 | Aziz Daari | Fourmies, France | L 8 |
Total bouts: 24, Won: 10 (1 inside the limit), Lost: 13 (5 inside the limit), Draw: 1, NC: 0, ND: 0