No amateur results
Professional record | 1997 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Feb. 11 | Mark O'Callaghan | Bethnal Green, Gt.Britain | W 6 | + Mar. 17 | Les Frost | Mayfair, Gt.Britain | KO 4 | + Apr. 24 | Chris Lyons | Mayfair, Gt.Britain | W 6 | + Oct. 23 | Chris Lyons | Mayfair, Gt.Britain | W 8 | | 1998 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 26 | Trevor Smith | Piccadilly, Gt.Britain | TKO by 5 | - Apr. 28 | Chris Price | Brentwood, Gt.Britain | L 6 | | 1999 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Oct. 5 | Jason Hall | Bloosbury, Gt.Britain | L 6 | | 2000 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 25 | Daniel James | Newmarket, Gt.Britain | L 10 | (For vacant Southern Area Super-Lightweight Title) | | | 2001-2003 Inactive | | 2004 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | = Nov. 21 | Neil Jarmolinski | Bracknell, Gt.Britain | Drew 4 | - Dec. 3 | Barrie Lee | Edinburgh, Gt.Britain | L 4 | | 2005 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Apr. 30 | Danny Goode | Dagenham, Gt.Britain | L 4 | - June 26 | Danny Goode | Southampton, Gt.Britain | L 4 | - Sept. 10 | Kerry Hope | Cardiff, Gt.Britain | L 4 | - Oct. 6 | Kevin Phelan | Longford, Gt.Britain | L 6 | - Dec. 2 | Darren Barker | Nottingham, Gt.Britain | TKO by 6 | | 2006 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Sept. 29 | Karl David | Cardiff, Wales | L 6 | | 2007 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Sept. 16 | Paul Morby | Southmpton, England | L 4 | | 2008 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 2 | Paul Morby | Portsmouth, England | L 6 | - Sept. 27 | Pat McAleese | Bethnal Green, England | L 4 | | | 2009 Inactive | | 2010 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 21 | Ryan Toms | Bethnal Green, England | TKO by 2 |
Total bouts: 20, Won: 4 (1 inside the limit), Lost: 15 (3 inside the limit), Draw: 1, NC: 0, ND: 0