Nate Jones
"The Snake"
(Nathaniel Henry Jones) USA, Chicago, Illinois Born: August 18, 1972, Chicago, Illinois, USA Height: 5ft 11in, mt 1,80 Weight: 216, 222, 229 lbs
Amateur Results | 1995 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | |
Ledyard, Connecticut, Dual Match USA vs Cuba, 91 kg | - Nov. 15 | Felix Savon (CUB) | Ledyard, Connecticut | LPTS 6:2 | | 1996 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | |
Atlanta, Georgia, Olympic Games bronze medal, 91 Kg | + July 25 | Fola Okesola | Atlanta, Georgia | WRSCI 3 | + July 30 | Jiang Tao (CHN) | Atlanta, Georgia | WPTS 21:4 | - Aug. 1 | David Defiagbon (CAN) | Atlanta, Georgia | LPTS 16:10 |
Professional record | 1997 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Jan. 11 | Jerry Barnes | Nashville, United States | TKO 1 | + Mar. 29 | Ricardo Phillips | Las Vegas, United States | W 4 | + June 28 | Willie Chapman | Las Vegas, United States | W 4 | + Dec. 13 | Charles Cue | Pompano Beach, United States | KO 1 | | 1998 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Jan. 31 | Wilbert Young | Tampa, United States | TKO 1 | + Apr. 10 | David Ballanger | Rosemont, United States | KO 1 | = May 29 | John Kiser | Las Vegas, United States | Draw 8 | + Sept. 19 | Brian Chitwood | Atlanta, United States | KO 1 | + Nov. 13 | Anthony Moore | Las Vegas, United States | W 6 | + Dec. 18 | Joseph Vegas | Fort Lauderdale, United States | W 6 | | 1999 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Mar. 13 | Bryant Smith | New York, United States | KO 1 | + July 24 | Wesley Martin | Las Vegas, United States | W 8 | + Dec. 18 | Sedreck Fields | Tunica, United States | W 8 | | 2000 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Feb. 29 | Matt Green | Las Vegas, United States | KO 1 | + May 25 | Anthony Willis | Tunica, United States | W 10 | + Sept. 16 | Derrick Banks | Las Vegas, United States | W 12 | vacant NABA Heavyweight Title | + Nov. 28 | Sam Hampton | Las Vegas, United States | TKO 2 | NABA Heavyweight Title | | 2001 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 3 | Friday Ahunanya | Las Vegas, United States | L 12 | NABA Heavyweight Title | + Aug. 24 | Antonio Colbert | Rosemont, United States | W 6 | + Dec. 15 | Drexie James | Mashantucket, United States | TKO 4 | | 2002 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 2 | Lamon Brewster | Reading, United States | TKO by 3 | vacant NABO Heavyweight Title |
Total bouts: 21, Won: 18 (9 inside the limit), Lost: 2 (1 inside the limit), Draw: 1, NC: 0, ND: 0