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Record details

Dragoslav Jakovljevic


Male, Amateur
(Dragoslav Jakovljević)
Born: 4 May 1932, Kragujevac, Šumadija, Serbia, Yugoslavia
Height: 5ft 9in, mt 1,75
Weight: 71 - 75 kg
Stance: Orthodox

Amateur Results

Belgrade, Yugoslavia, European Championships bronze medal, 75 kg
+ June 4John Fisher Belgrade, Yugoslavia WPTS 3
+ June 6 Emil Schulz (GER)Belgrade, Yugoslavia WPTS 3
- June 8 Tadeusz Walasek (POL)Belgrade, Yugoslavia LPTS 3


No professional record



Total bouts: 0, Won: 0 (0 inside the limit), Lost: 0 (0 inside the limit), Draw: 0, NC: 0, ND: 0