Amateur Results
Professional record | 2000 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Mar. 24 | Adrian Ghiorgan | Battipaglia, Italy | TKO 2 | + May 12 | Lino Milani | Rovetta, Italy | W 6 | + June 23 | Antonio Taglialegami | Bergamo, Italy | W 6 | + July 28 | Mohamed Limame | Rovetta, Italy | W 6 | + Nov. 17 | Carmine Russo | Brembate, Italy | W 6 | + Dec. 22 | Nizar Boubaker | Rovetta, Italy | W 6 | | 2001 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 10 | Domenico Restuccia | Brembate, Italy | L 6 | + Apr. 24 | Jorge Ortiz | Rovetta, Italy | W 6 | + July 20 | Carmine Russo | Rovetta, Italy | W 6 | - Oct. 7 | Tomas Jansson | Hamburg, Germany | L 6 | = Oct. 20 | Antonio Mastantuono | Rovetta, Italy | Draw 6 | + Dec. 7 | Karim Adjir | Quartucciu, Italy | W 6 | | 2002 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 16 | Massimo Bertozzi | Crema, Italy | L 6 | + May 17 | Carmine Russo | Domus de Maria, Italy | W 6 | + Aug. 13 | Giuseppe Cusenza | Domus de Maria, Italy | W 6 | + Dec. 14 | Zoltan Szili | Quartu Sant’Elena, Italy | TKO 2 | | 2003 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Apr. 13 | Ndobo Ganda | Domus de Maria, Italy | W 6 | = Apr. 25 | Vincenzo Finzi | Cagliari, Italy | Draw 8 | + June 14 | Virgil Meleg | Sarroch, Italy | W 6 | = Sept. 18 | Alban Mothie | Olbia, Italy | Draw 6 | | 2004 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Feb. 10 | Alan Sébire | Pavia, Italy | W 6 | | 2005 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Apr. 29 | Dario Cichello | Maracalagonis, Italy | W 6 | = June 10 | Vincenzo Imparato | Gallarate, Italy | Draw 10 | (For Italian Super-Middleweight Title) | | | 2006-2007 Inactive | | 2008 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Dec. 20 | Istvan Petroczki | Sarroch, Italy | W 6 | | 2009 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Mar. 21 | Arpad Buzasi | Porto Torres, Italy | W 6 | + May 16 | Abdelouahed Ben Lelly | Sarroch, Italy | W 8 | + June 14 | Sandor Ramocza | Stintino, Italy | W 6 | + July 31 | Ilir Mustafa | Sarzana, Italy | W 10 | (Won WBF Mediterranean Super-Middleweight Title) | - Oct. 3 | Nikola Sjekloca | Budva, Montenegro | L 12 | (For WBC Mediterranean Super-Middleweight Title) | + Dec. 11 | Israel Carrillo | Porto Torres, Italy | W 12 UD | (Won vacant IBO Mediterranean Middleweight Title) | | 2010 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Apr. 17 | Mugurel Sebe | Sarroch, Italy | W 6 | = June 11 | Matteo Signani | Levanto, Italy | TDraw 2 | (For Italian Middleweight Title) | - Aug. 21 | Dominik Britsch | Erfurt, Germany | L 8 | + Nov. 20 | Norbert Nagy | Villa San Pietro, Italy | TKO 2 | | 2011 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Apr. 15 | Csaba Batta | Capoterra, Italy | W 6 | + June 5 | Gordan Glisic | Stintino, Italy | W 6 | + July 3 | Sandor Ramocsa | Domus de Maria, Italy | W 6 | - Aug. 26 | Matteo Signani | Cesenatico, Italy | L 10 UD | (For Italian Middleweight Title) | - Oct. 22 | Marcos Nader | Ludwigsburg, Germany | L 8 | | 2012 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Apr. 13 | Janos Varga | Siracusa, Italy | KO 2 | - Nov. 2 | Simone Rotolo | Bologna, Italy | L 10 UD | (For Italian Middleweight Title) | | 2013 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 15 | Medhi Bouadla | Carouge, Switzerland | L 6 | - Mar. 9 | Stefano Loriga | Civitavecchia, Italy | L 6 | = Aug. 9 | Alessandro Murgia | Fonni, Italy | Draw 8 | | 2014 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Oct. 17 | Alessandro Goddi | Sarroch, Italy | L 10 SD | (For vacant Italian Middleweight Title) |
Total bouts: 45, Won: 28 (4 inside the limit), Lost: 11 (0 inside the limit), Draw: 6, NC: 0, ND: 0