No amateur results
Professional record | 1994 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - July 20 | Stefano Pompilio | Solofra, Italy | TKO by 3 | | | 1995-1998 Inactive | | 1999 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 18 | Fabio Minelli | Toscolano Maderno, Italy | L 6 | - Apr. 10 | Pietro Farina | San Cassiano, Italy | L 6 | - July 10 | Roberto Dominguez | Vigo, Spain | TKO by 6 | + Aug. 3 | Domenico Alfano | Sibari, Italy | W 6 | - Oct. 22 | Massimiliano Saiani | Brembate, Italy | L 6 | - Dec. 26 | Simone Cannelli | Castel di Lama, Italy | cTKO by 5 | | 2000 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 11 | Simone Cannelli | S.Benedetto Tronto, Italy | L 6 | + Apr. 2 | Srecko Zulj | Imotski, Croatia | W 4 | = Apr. 15 | Christian D'Alessandro | Padova, Italy | Draw 6 | - May 23 | Hocine Benchabane | Levallois, France | L 6 | - May 28 | Stipe Drvis | Hamburg, Germany | L 6 | - July 3 | Lorenzo Di Giacomo | Teramo, Italy | L 6 | - July 14 | Mustapha Ilir | Caorle, Italy | L 6 | - Dec. 16 | Antonio Brancalion | Guidonia, Italy | L 6 | - Dec. 30 | Antonio Brancalion | Oristano, Italy | L 8 | | 2001 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Jan. 26 | Kamel Amrane | Pont Ste Maxence, France | TKO by 6 | - Feb. 23 | Frederic Serrat | Les Pennes, France | TKO by 4 | = Mar. 16 | Mark Graversen | Lemvig, Denmark | Drew 4 | + Mar. 30 | Stephane Kaelin | Geneve, Switzerland | W 6 | - May 5 | Alban Girouard | Bonneval, France | L 6 | - June 29 | Massimiliano Saiani | Gossolengo, Italy | L 6 | - July 13 | Vincenzo Imparato | Vigevano, Italy | L 6 | - Aug. 4 | Wilfried Visée Rivelli | Marseille, France | L 6 | - Aug. 16 | Simone Cannelli | S.Benedetto Tronto, Italy | L 6 | = Oct. 20 | Luciano Lombardi | Trieste, Italy | Drew 6 | - Nov. 17 | Frank Mezaache | Le Havre, France | L 8 | - Dec. 26 | Luciano Lombardi | Reggio Emilia, Italy | TKO by 5 | | 2002 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Jan. 29 | Wilfried Visée Rivelli | Les Pennes, France | W 6 | - Feb. 23 | Arsen Khachatrian | Marseille, France | L 6 | - Mar. 10 | Ottavio Barone | Rimini, Italy | L 6 | - Apr. 12 | Zdravko Kostic | Niksic, Yugoslavia | L 8 | - Apr. 26 | Lorenzo Di Giacomo | Chieti, Italy | L 6 | - May 3 | Doulyassad Joubij | Nice, France | L 6 | - May 23 | Jackson Chanet | Levallois, France | TKO by 7 | - July 13 | Mehdi Sahnoune | Palavas-les-Flots, France | TKO by 5 | - Nov. 19 | Jean L.Mandangue | Guilherand, France | cTKO by 2 | | 2003 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - June 20 | Jamal Larhissi | Dijon, France | LDQ 5 | | 2004 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Feb. 7 | Darko Chatle | Sarajevo, Croatia | W 4 | - Apr. 8 | Alexey Trofimov | Donets, Ucraine | KO by 4 | - Apr. 24 | Dawid Kotecki | Dabrowa Gornicza, Poland | KO by 2 | - June 5 | Drago Janjusevic | Belgrade, Yugoslavia | L 6 | + Sept. 3 | Admir Kurtic | Gorazde, Croatia | W 4 | - Oct. 16 | Dario Cichello | Verbania, Italy | L 6 | - Dec. 18 | Alessandro Filippo | Nyíregyháza, Hungary | L 6 | | 2005 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 21 | Alberto Colajanni | San Mango d’Aquino, Italy | L 6 | - Apr. 16 | Julian Ilie | Bergamo, Italy | L 6 | - May 20 | Leonardo Turchi | Marina di Grosseto, Italy | L 6 | - Aug. 5 | Dejan Ribac | Budva, Yugoslavia | L 6 | - Sept. 23 | Gianluca Tassi | Livorno, Italy | L 6 | + Dec. 2 | Alfredo Limonta | Zadar, Croatia | W 6 | | 2006 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 24 | Zoltan Kallai | Tapioszentmarton, Hungary | L 12 | (For vacant UBC Inter-Cont’l Super-Middleweight Title) | = May 27 | Matteo Sciacca | Karlsruhe, Germany | Drew 4 | - June 23 | Francesco Versaci | Bonassola, Italy | L 6 | - July 15 | Nikola Sjekloca | Budva, Yugoslavia | L 6 | - July 29 | Attilio Trane | Brindisi, Italy | L 6 | - Sept. 15 | Emanuel Zuanel | Frosinone, Italy | LDQ 2 | - Nov. 18 | Dries Kumpen | Namur, Belgium | L 6 | - Dec. 15 | Predrag Radosevic | Klagenfurt, Austria | L 6 | - Dec. 27 | Halid Ranica | Cazin, Bosnia Herzegovina | TKO by 2 | | 2007 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 3 | Dirk Georgi | Berlin, Germany | L 6 | - Apr. 26 | Nikola Sjekloca | Novi Sad, Serbia Montenegro | L 6 | - May 25 | Goran Delic | Prijedor, Bosnia-Herzegovina | L 12 | (For UBO Inter-Cont’l Cruiserweight Title) | - June 30 | Ali Chakiev | Klagenfurt, Austria | L 6 | - July 19 | Stefano Abatangelo | Aosta, Italy | L 6 | - Aug. 8 | Halid Ranica | Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina | L 4 | - Dec. 14 | Alexander Nikolic | Banja Luka, Bosnia Herzegovina | L 4 | | 2008 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 8 | Massimiliano Buccheri | Roma, Italy | L 4 | - Mar. 21 | Abdelkader Benzinia | Yutz, France | TKO by 5 | - May 16 | Nicola Bertuccio | Trieste, Italy | L 6 | - June 28 | Ivan Ribac | Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina | TKO by 3 | - Sept. 18 | Cristian Marchetti | Adria, Italy | L 6 | - Nov. 22 | Shpetim Shala | Steyr, Austria | L 6 | | 2009 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Apr. 18 | Sefer Seferi | Pristina, Serbia | TKO by 5 | - May 30 | Jose Tavares | Cannes, France | L 6 | - June 27 | Massimiliano Saiani | Baganzola, Italy | L 6 | - July 21 | Mike Deie | Vaulx-en-Velin, France | L 6 | - Aug. 15 | Sanel Papic | Sjenica, Serbia | L 4 | | 2010 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Jan. 30 | Emanuele Leo | Ugento, Italy | TKO by 1 | | 2011 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - June 13 | Ismael Abdoul | Deinze, Belgium | TKO by 2 | - July 13 | Vjekoslav Bajic | Split, Croatia | L 4 | - Dec. 20 | Toni Visic | Split, Croatia | TKO by 3 | | | 2012 Inactive | | 2013 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 29 | Tony Ingelrest | Gent, Belgium | TKO by 3 |
Total bouts: 83, Won: 7 (0 inside the limit), Lost: 72 (19 inside the limit), Draw: 4, NC: 0, ND: 0