No amateur results
Professional record | 2013 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Jan. 12 | Bilal Laggoune | Gent, Belgium | L 6 | - June 8 | Ismael Abdoul | Gent, Belgium | TKO by 3 | + Aug. 24 | Hrvoje Bozinovic | Split, Croatia | W 4 | - Nov. 14 | Anthony Joshua | Bethnal Green, England | TKO by 2 | | 2014 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 28 | Gianluca Mandras | Parma, Italy | L 6 | - Apr. 12 | Marcin Siwy | Czestochowa, Poland | L 6 | - Oct. 11 | Fabio Tuiach | Manzano, Italy | L 6 | + Oct. 28 | Petar Janketic | Split, Croatia | W 4 | - Nov. 22 | Herve Hubeaux | Seilles, Belgium | L 6 | | 2015 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - June 4 | Karim Berredjem | Clermont-Ferrand, France | L 6 | - Aug. 1 | Matteo Modugno | Fiumicino, Italy | KO by 1 | - Sept. 26 | Eugenio Indaco | Caivano, Italy | L 6 |
Total bouts: 12, Won: 2 (0 inside the limit), Lost: 10 (3 inside the limit), Draw: 0, NC: 0, ND: 0